为布局实验经济学、行为经济学、行为金融学和交叉学科,オンラインカジノ 即時出金成立了中国行为经济与行为金融研究中心(以下简称中心),该中心是校级中心和平台,组织人事关系挂靠经济学院。中心成立揭牌仪式于2018年4月10日在オンラインカジノ 即時出金举行,计量经济学会院士(Fellow)、新加坡国立大学教授周恕弘,南京审计大学教授杨春雷,英国约克大学鞠源教授,我校校长、党委副书记卓志,党委常委、副校长尹庆双以及相关职能部门、学院(中心)负责人、教师、学生代表等参加了成立揭牌仪式。中心实行学术委员会领导下的主任负责制,学校任命雷震教授担任中心主任,负责中心建设和日常管理,下设“オンラインカジノ 即時出金实验经济学实验室”及若干研究团队。
The China Center for Behavioral Economics and Finance was established in 2018 to facilitate cross-disciplinary research in behavioral economics and finance. Under the leadership of Prof. Lei Zhen (Executive Director) and Prof. Chew Soo Hong (Special-Term Director), the center aims to produce high-quality research in economics and finance as well as genetic economics and neuro-economics.
We have a diverse mixture of Chinese and international faculty members specialising in theoretical research as well as experimental and empirical research. In the last 5 years, faculty members have published in top international journals such as Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, PNAS, Journal of the European Economic Association, Management Science, Journal of Economic Theory, Economic Journal, AEJ:Microeconomics, International Economic Review, Games and Economic Behaviour, Economic Theory, European Economic Review, Scientific Reports, Psychoneuroendocrinology and Theoretical Economics.
In addition to being research-focused, we also offer Master and PhD programs in both behavioral economics and behavioral finance.